How do you physically feel when you see red?

Have you taken the time to notice what happens when you see red? How does it make you feel?

The pituitary gland works overtime, sending a message to the adrenal medulla, telling it to release epinephrine. Epinephrine is adrenaline.

Red creates an adrenaline rush.

  • Your heart beats faster.
  • Your blood pressure increases.
  • You breathe more rapidly.
  • You sweat more.
  • Your appetite is ravenous.
  • You gain more muscle strength.

And you have absolutely no control over this response.

The next time you are surrounded by red, take a moment and see how your body physically responds to it. It can’t be controlled but you can be mindful of it and be absolutely amazed by it.

Theme Color of the Month: Red

This month I will focus on all things red:

  • What we feel, psychologically and physiologically when we see the color red.
  • How red is view in different cultures.
  • And whatever other things I can think of about red (but can’t think of right now).

It’s November and the leaves still hold their fall colors. Some, including this shrub, have their brilliant red hue to them. It will be the last vestige of color until spring rolls around again.